Uniform Return

30 Oct 2019 by Lance Stewart

Fall Uniform Return Q & A With Mr. Stewart

MS Girl Varsity Tennis Oct 31-Nov 5th
US Girls Varsity Tennis Nov 11th- 15th
US Girls JV Tennis Oct 24th-Oct 31st

Q: What are the days and dates when we can return our uniforms?
A: On any school day between Oct 31st thru Nov 5th for MS Varsity, Nov 11 thru 15th for US Varsity and US JV Oct 24 thru Oct 31st.

Q: What hours will I be able to return my uniform?
A: Either from 10:00 am-10:30 am or 12:50 pm – 3:30 pm

Q: Where exactly to I return my uniform?
A: INSIDE the Equipment Room in the bin beneath the sign that reads “RETURN UNIFORMS

Q: What happens if I miss the return deadline?
A: Your parents will be billed for the replacement cost of your uniform.

Q: Can I have my friend, or someone else, drop off the uniform for me?
A: Yes. But, please make sure that you have someone you can trust complete this task so that
your parents do not receive a bill for a missing uniform.

Q: Can I just keep my uniform and pay the bill because I really like GA Athletic gear?
A: No. Our Athletic Department does not have the financial capacity or resources necessary to
replace large quantities of uniforms year-to-year. This is a matter of being “Honorable in
Deed,” as well as “Collaborative in Action.”

Q: What if I happen to walk by the Equipment Room at an hour other than the ones above, and
the door is locked—can I just drop my uniform in front of the door?
A: No. You MUST return the uniform during the hours listed above.


Equipment room

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